To include an extra script use the key that's on the config file or that was given manually via addExtraScript $chart-> includeExtraScripts( array( 'export')) To manually include a script for render use the addExtraScript function: $chart-> addExtraScript( 'export', '', 'exporting.js') Just create a composer.json file and run the php composer.phar install command to install it:, just assign the variable you want with new stdClass() Extra scripts The recommended way to install HighchartsPHP is through Composer. The companion webpage can be found at Setup It isn't a simple port of the JavaScript library to PHP, it was designed in a way that mimics the JavaScript counterpart API, so that the developer only needs to learn one API.

HighchartsPHP is a PHP library that works as a wrapper for the Highchart js library ( ) and it was built with flexibility and maintainability in mind.